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  • Haworthia jadea Hayashi
    August 3, 2023

    Haworthia jadea Hayashi

    This is one of a few fringe elements of the Haworthia bayeri complex. There are as many differences between H. jadea and H. bayeri as there are similarities. The prospect of including it as a variety of H. bayeri is...

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  • Haworthia indigoa Hayashi
    August 1, 2023

    Haworthia indigoa Hayashi

    By Gerhard Marx - 1 August 2023 When Vincent de Vries first encountered a population of these plants way back in 1998, his initial impression was that he had found a form of Haworthia magnifica var. atrofusca in the Little...

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  • Haworthia truteriorum I.Breuer & G. Marx
    July 31, 2023

    Haworthia truteriorum I.Breuer & G. Marx

    By Gerhard Marx - 23 July 2023 This unexpected and noteworthy occurrence was found by Sean Gildenhuys and myself during 2007 in the Heimersrivier area. Most surprizing of all was the fact that these retusoid plants grow tightly nestled in...

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  • Haworthia bobii Hayashi
    July 31, 2023

    Haworthia bobii Hayashi

    By Gerhard Marx - 24 July 2023 Apart from H. groenewaldii, this species must be the most interesting and exciting find during the past decade. It was discovered by Bruce and Daphne Bayer near the coast along the lower Breede...

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  • Haworthia joleneae Hayashi
    July 31, 2023

    Haworthia joleneae Hayashi

    By Gerhard Marx - 26 July 2023 The treatment of H. bobii as a distinct element is further strengthened by the fact that roughly 20 km to the north a very closely related plant was found which shares some of...

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  • Haworthia jakubii Breuer
    July 31, 2023

    Haworthia jakubii Breuer

    By Gerhard Marx - 27July 2023 Yet another name that has been swept under the convenient carpet of synonymy involving Haworthia mirabilis var paradoxa. In the wild suntanned and dirt-covered Haworthia jakubii plants can look somewhat similar to the dull...

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  • Haworthia hammeri Hayashi
    July 31, 2023

    Haworthia hammeri Hayashi

    By Gerhard Marx - 28 July 2023 To fully discuss this element would involve a book with as many pages as a short novel. That is because Haworthia hammeri displays links to several regional and named Haworthias like H. badia,...

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  • Haworthia obserata Marx
    July 31, 2023

    Haworthia obserata Marx

    By Gerhard Marx - 29 July 2023 This is another published name that has been dismissed as yet another ecotype of Haworthia mirabilis. If the concept of ‘mirabilis’ implies only to summer-flowering and chunky retuse-leaved plants, then I am in...

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