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Haworthia jakubii Breuer

Haworthia jakubii Breuer

By Gerhard Marx - 27July 2023
Yet another name that has been swept under the convenient carpet of synonymy involving Haworthia mirabilis var paradoxa.
In the wild suntanned and dirt-covered Haworthia jakubii plants can look somewhat similar to the dull green-grey forms of Haworthia magnifica found south of Riversdale. In fact, a population of H. magnifica var magnifca on the Windsor area is situated a mere 5 km from the type locality of H. jakubii. The casual and superficial field observer may see both and take them to be the same. In a very bold generalized sense he would not be entirely incorrect as there is a close relationship in terms of flowers and flowering time, but H. jakubii has up to 26 leaves per rosette which are bright green, rather narrow, toothed along margins and strongly acuminate while in the nearby form of H. magnifica the leaves per rosette are only up to 18 in number and wider, more dull-grey in colour and leaf margins smooth or very minutely toothed.
The comparison of H. jakubii with H. mirabilis var paradoxa seems to be mainly influenced by the geographical proximity of the two.
H. jakubii was named in honor of Jakub Jilemicky and remains known only from a small area north-west of Still Bay on the bank of the Kafferkuils River.
My photos are not very good and I also post a photo of H. jakubii and the above-mentioned H. magnifica from Windsor area to show the comparison.
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